Conference packages for every occasion
Experience the advantages of our conference packages at Hotel Maier in Fischbach - your first-class business hotel. We offer a comprehensive service package at attractive prices that guarantees you full cost control. Whether you want a relaxed atmosphere or exclusive meetings, we will ensure that your event runs smoothly.
As a renowned conference hotel in Friedrichshafen, we develop customised solutions for your conferences. Our flexible conference packages can be customised to suit your individual needs. Together we will create a suitable package that offers various options for meetings as well as overnight accommodation in comfortable rooms of different categories.
Our conference package applies to events for eight or more people. In addition to the flat rate, a room hire fee is charged for the selected function room, depending on its size. 20 % of the turnover from the conference flat rate is offset against the room hire charge, which can significantly reduce or even eliminate costs if the room is used optimally.
Below you will find an overview with further details.
Our package
- Provision of the conference room including writing pads and pens
- Conference drinks in the main room, unlimited availability: Mineral water and apple juice
- Morning coffee break with organic Fairtrade coffee, aromatic organic tea and savoury snacks
- 3-course lunch menu of the chef's choice, including mineral water
- Afternoon coffee break with organic Fairtrade coffee, flavoured organic tea and sweet pastries
Price per person / day: 79,00 EUR
(bookable from 8 persons)
In addition, you will receive 20% of the turnover from the conference package as a discount on the room hire.

Individualize your meeting
- Choice of soft drinks
EUR 6,00 EUR p.P. - Welcome coffee
EUR 6,50 EUR p.P. - coffee all day in the room
EUR 6,00 EUR p.P. - After Work (3 canapés, an alcoholic drink)
20,00 EUR p.P. - 3-course-menu in the evening
EUR 46,00 EUR p.P. - one coffee break less
less 10,00 EUR p.P. - 2-course lunch (instead of 3-course)
less 4,00 EUR p.P. - without lunch
less 26,00 EUR p.P.

Additional Technology
- additional flipchart including paper
20,00 EUR p. piece/day - additional metaplan board
15,00 EUR p. piece/day - additional moderator case
20,00 EUR p. piece/day - beamer with screen and beamer table
50,00 EUR p. piece/day - laser pointer
5,00 EUR p. piece/day
The room hire fee already includes a flipchart, a metaplan wall and a presentation case.

Stay overnight at Maier - your ideal business hotel
As a business guest at Hotel Maier in Fischbach, you benefit from special conditions for a comfortable stay. Our room offers are perfectly tailored to the needs of business travellers and offer maximum comfort for your participants.
We would be happy to provide you with a customised offer for overnight stays in our attractive rooms. Simply contact us by e-mail for your personalised offer.
Enjoy our first-class service and experience how work and relaxation can be ideally combined.